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Badger School district welcomes new superintendent and announces the launch of a new informational website

Another area school district has seen a change in administration for the 2024-2025 school year. Dan Carpenter is the new superintendent at Badger school after spending time last school year at the high school principal at Greenbush-Middle River.

Carpenter spoke on the KQ92/KRWB morning show on Wednesday about the release of a new web site for Badger school called, a site that explains the details of the upcoming November referendum vote at the Badger school and what it entails.

School officials met with the Community Action Committee on Tuesday this week and have another meeting on Monday next week 9/16 at the Badger school at 6:30pm. There will also be an ice cream social that evening. District residents and the public are encouraged to attend.

Warroad Town Hall Meeting

During Tuesday’s Town Hall meeting at the Warroad School, Blayke Nelson, Marvin talent recruitment manager provided an update

The next quarterly Warroad Town Hall meeting is on Tuesday 12/10

Warroad Community Development will be hosting their final town hall meeting of 2024 at Warroad High School at

Warroad Library & Warroad Heritage Center host a Christmas Open House on Sunday December 8th

The Warroad Heritage Center and the Warroad Public Library are teaming up to put on a “Christmas Open